Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Another Vacation Kroger Tour

 NOTE: This post comes from outside the blog's coverage area.

    While I wasn't planning on visiting this Kroger on vacation, things worked out for me to visit it since it was only 1/2 mile from my hotel. I decided to get a walk in after a day of riding in the car and take some photos. I didn't know what decor was inside, but as it turns out, the growing ever rarer Kroger millennium decor was out in full force.

    I know some people will likely enjoy this little look around. Hopefully you did too!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Former Kmart #3315


        Continuing right along in the Syracuse market, this month brings us to the best of the last three that was still in the area in 2014. While the store was dated, it was kept up very well and even had a Little Caesars and operational pharmacy right up until liquidation. I was quite sad when I learned of this location's closure, as I found it to have been the best one in the Syracuse market all around. It is worth noting that an Officemax operated in the former Kmart foods space. The location did not stay empty long, as Dick's Sporting Goods would quickly open a relocated store in the prime real estate spot. Recent years saw a relocated Micheal's and a new Burlington come to the site as well, with Burlington also taking the now closed Officemax.