Monday, August 27, 2018

Wellsville's Rite Aid-Walgreens

It's hard to say where Walgreens' plans are stands in the taking over select Rite Aid stores. While many have closed in other parts of the country where Walgreens had more market presence, this region has generally seen little to no closures that I know of the top of my head. This makes for a very confusing shopping experience if you ask me. Am I shopping at Rite Aid or Walgreens?

One town where this situation occurs is in Wellsville. While Walgreens already has a store in the community, which ironically is a former Rite Aid that was taken over after Rite Aid's Eckerd purchase. Rite Aid relocated to the Eckerd site with higher traffic counts and that store is what this post features. Walgreens still plans to apparently operate both locations as Walgreens from what I gather- eventually. But for now, a two-in-one store of competing companies continues to operate under one roof.
Welcome to Rite Aid with a Walgreens pharmacy
I really like this cart tunnel. Pretty cool and unique.



  1. This whole scenario is very strange indeed. Worth keeping an eye on... at least, in locations such as yours where there are still Rite Aid stores to keep an eye on, since mine have all closed :P And I agree about that cart tunnel - really neat!

    1. Yeah Rite Aid still is a household name up here, especially in their home state of PA. Rite Aid only lost 2 stores in the far northeast corner to Walgreens across the entire state. NY wasn't so fortunate as many are still open, but in a confusing manner as seen here.
