Monday, August 29, 2016

The Hometown Rite Aid Design

Although the hometown Rite Aid design is basically the same as the peaked roof decor, it still has some minor differences. This particular style of store has been shrunken to include less aisles (7 or so) that run from end to end of the store. There is no cross actionway in the middle to divide them like at the linked store mentioned at the beginning. One major difference in the stores is that there is more varying architecture at the hometown design as you will see below.
These hometown stores are often the same style found in urban areas as well. They are smaller than the typical store by probably around 3,000-4,000 sq. ft. making them ideal to take up less real estate.

The wall mirror in the back is one the major differences.

While the exact number of aisles may vary, usually I would assume there to at least be 6-9 aisles. This store had 8.
I'm uncertain to whether this is a part of the architectural design or if this roof peaking upwards is unique. Any urban locations likely do not have this however.

So there you have it, another decor package covered.

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